

The calendar comes with its utilities, making it easy to work with date formatting.

There are 4 utilities in total, and they are functions that can be used anywhere in your code, even without the calendar.

  1. parseDates(dates: string[]) — Takes an array of date ranges using a delimiter between dates in the string format FormatDateString ('YYYY-MM-DD'). Returns an array of dates in the string format FormatDateString ('YYYY-MM-DD').
import { parseDates } from 'vanilla-calendar-pro/utils';
parseDates(['2024-12-12:2024-12-15']); // return: ['2024-12-12', '2024-12-13', '2024-12-14', '2024-12-15']
  1. getDateString(date: Date) — Takes a date of type Date. Returns the date in the string format FormatDateString ('YYYY-MM-DD').
import { getDateString } from 'vanilla-calendar-pro/utils';
getDateString(new Date('24.12.2024')); // return: 2024-12-24
  1. getDate(date: FormatDateString) — Takes a date in string format, e.g., FormatDateString ('YYYY-MM-DD'). Returns a date of type Date.
import { getDate } from 'vanilla-calendar-pro/utils';
getDate('2024-12-12'); // return: Tue Dec 24 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  1. getWeekNumber(date: FormatDateString, weekStartDay: WeekDayID) — Takes a date in string format FormatDateString ('YYYY-MM-DD') and the week start day, specifically its id of type number from 0 to 6. Returns an object { year: yearNumber, week: weekNumber } for the date specified in the arguments.
import { getWeekNumber } from 'vanilla-calendar-pro/utils';
getWeekNumber('2024-12-12', 1); // return: {year: 2024, week: 50}