Type: String
Default: 'default'
Options: 'default' | 'multiple' | 'month' | 'year'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
type: 'default',
The type
parameter defines the type of calendar displayed.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
inputMode: true,
The inputMode
parameter indicates that the mainElement
, passed as the first parameter, represents an input field rather than a wrapper for the calendar.
Type: String
Default: 'left'
Options: 'auto' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | ['bottom' | 'top', 'center' | 'left' | 'right']
new Calendar('#calendar', {
positionToInput: 'auto',
// positionToInput: ['bottom', 'center'],
This parameter defines the position of the calendar relative to the input if the calendar is initialized with the inputMode
accepts a string with the value 'left'
, 'center'
, or 'right'
, or an array of values [Y-axis, X-axis]
, where the Y-axis can be 'bottom'
or 'top'
, and the X-axis can be 'left'
, 'center'
, or 'right'
If the Y-axis is not specified, the default value 'bottom'
is used.
You can use the value positionToInput: 'auto'
to automatically determine the best position based on the available space in the viewport.
The option allows calculating the available space on all 4 sides and will first try to display the calendar below the input, which is the default position.
If there is not enough space below, it will evaluate another best available position.
Type: Number
Default: 1
Options: from 0 to 6
new Calendar('#calendar', {
firstWeekday: 1,
This parameter sets the first day of the week. Specify a number from 0 to 6, where the number represents the day of the week identifier. According to JS standards, the days of the week start with 0, and 0 is Sunday.
Type: Number
Default: 1
Options: from 1 to 12
new Calendar('#calendar', {
monthsToSwitch: 1,
The monthsToSwitch
parameter controls the number of switchable months.
Type: String | False
Default: 'html[data-theme]'
Options: 'string | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
themeAttrDetect: 'html[data-theme]',
To have the calendar automatically track and apply the site's theme, you can pass a string value in the form of a CSS selector.
Square brackets indicate an attribute containing the theme name.
By default, the html
tag with the data-theme
attribute is tracked, but you can configure any other attribute and tag, for example, class
, if the class name is used to set the theme: 'html[class]'
If set to false
, the theme will be determined by the user's system or the selectedTheme
Type: String
Default: 'en'
Options: Language label | Array<locale>
new Calendar('#calendar', {
locale: 'en',
// Or specify an object for your labels
// locale: {
// months: {
// long: [],
// short: [],
// },
// weekday: {
// long: [],
// short: [],
// }
// },
This parameter sets the language localization of the calendar. You can specify a language label according to BCP 47 or provide arrays of month and weekday names, see more details here.
Type: Date object
Default: 'today'
Options: Date | number | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | 'today'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
dateToday: 'today',
The dateToday
parameter defines which day will be considered today for the calendar.
Type: String
Default: '1970-01-01'
Options: 'Date | number | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | 'today'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
dateMin: '1970-01-01',
The dateMin
parameter sets the minimum allowable date that the calendar will consider and which cannot be less than this date.
Type: String
Default: '2470-12-31'
Options: 'Date | number | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | 'today'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
dateMax: '2470-12-31',
The dateMax
parameter sets the maximum allowable date that the calendar will consider and which cannot be greater than this date.
Type: String
Default: '1970-01-01'
Options: 'Date | number | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | 'today'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
displayDateMin: '2022-07-01',
This parameter sets the minimum date that the user can select. Dates earlier than the specified date will be disabled and unavailable for selection.
and displayDateMax
disable dates outside the range, while dateMin
and dateMax
do not create them at all.displayDateMax
Type: String
Default: '2470-12-31'
Options: 'Date | number | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | 'today'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
displayDateMax: '2024-07-01',
This parameter sets the maximum date that the user can select. Dates later than the specified date will be disabled and unavailable for selection.
and displayDateMax
disable dates outside the range, while dateMin
and dateMax
do not create them at all.displayDatesOutside
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
displayDatesOutside: false,
With this parameter, you can decide whether to display days from the previous and next month.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
displayDisabledDates: false,
This parameter determines whether all days, including disabled days, will be displayed.
Type: Number
Default: 2
Options: from 2 to 12
new Calendar('#calendar', {
displayMonthsCount: 2,
The displayMonthsCount
parameter defines the number of months displayed if the calendar type is set to 'multiple'
Type: String[] | Number[] | Date[]
Default: null
Options: ['YYYY-MM-DD'] | [Number] | [Date] | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableDates: ['2022-08-10:2022-08-15', '2022-08-20', 1722152977141, new Date()],
This parameter allows you to disable specified dates, regardless of the specified range.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableAllDates: true,
This parameter disables all days and can be useful when using enableDates
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableDatesPast: true,
This parameter disables all past days.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableDatesGaps: true,
This parameter disables the selection of days within a range with disabled dates. It only works if the selectionDatesMode
parameter is set to 'multiple-ranged'
Type: Number
Default: []
Options: from 0 to 6
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableWeekdays: [0, 6],
This parameter allows you to disable specified weekdays. Specify an array with numbers from 0 to 6, where each number represents a day of the week identifier. According to JS standards, the days of the week start with 0, and 0 is Sunday.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
disableToday: true,
With this parameter, you can disable the selection of today's date in the calendar.
Type: String[] | Number[] | Date[]
Default: null
Options: ['YYYY-MM-DD'] | [Number] | [Date] | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableDates: ['2022-08-11:2022-08-16', '2022-08-20', 1722152977141, new Date()],
This parameter allows you to enable specified dates, regardless of the range and disabled dates.
To specify a date range, use any delimiter between dates within a single string.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableEdgeDatesOnly: true,
This parameter allows you to get only the start and end dates selected by the user, ignoring intermediate dates. This parameter only works if selectionDatesMode
is set to 'multiple-ranged'
It is important to note that when using this parameter, disabled dates within the date range will have no effect. Therefore, use this option only if you are interested in the start and end dates selected by the user.
Type: Boolean | Function
Default: true
Options: true | false | () => false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableDateToggle: false,
// or with a callback
enableDateToggle: (self) => (new Date(self.selectedDates[0]) < new Date()),
If the enableDateToggle
parameter is true
or the callback returns true
, then clicking on a selected date again will deselect it.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableWeekNumbers: true,
With this parameter, you can decide whether to display week numbers in the year.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableMonthChangeOnDayClick: false,
With this parameter, you can decide whether the month will switch when clicking on a day from the previous or next month.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Options: true | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
enableJumpToSelectedDate: true,
selectedDates: ['2018-05-02'],
If this option is enabled and one or more selected dates are specified, but without specifying selectedMonth
and selectedYear
, the calendar will jump to the first selected date. If set to false
, the calendar will always open for the current month and year.
This option has no effect if selectedMonth
and selectedYear
are specified.
Type: String | false
Default: 'single'
Options: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'multiple-ranged' | false
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectionDatesMode: 'single',
This parameter determines whether selecting one or multiple days is allowed, or if date selection is completely disabled.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Options: true | false | 'only-arrows'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectionMonthsMode: false,
This parameter allows you to disable month selection, allow month switching only with arrows, or allow month switching in any way.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Options: true | false | 'only-arrows'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectionYearsMode: false,
This parameter allows you to disable year selection, allow year switching only with arrows, or allow year switching in any way.
Type: False | Number
Default: false
Options: false | 24 | 12
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectionTimeMode: true,
This parameter enables time selection. You can also specify the time format using a number: 24-hour or 12-hour format.
Type: String[] | Number[] | Date[]
Default: null
Options: ['YYYY-MM-DD'] | [Number] | [Date] | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedDates: ['2022-08-10:2022-08-15', '2022-08-20', 1722152977141, new Date()],
This parameter allows you to specify a list of dates that will be selected when the calendar is initialized.
To specify a date range, use any delimiter between dates within a single string.
Type: Number
Default: null
Options: from 0 to 11 | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedMonth: 0,
This parameter defines the month that will be displayed when the calendar is initialized. According to JS standards, months are numbered from 0 to 11.
Type: Number
Default: null
Options: Number (YYYY) | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedYear: 2022,
This parameter defines the year that will be displayed when the calendar is initialized.
Type: String[] | Number[] | Date[]
Default: null
Options: ['YYYY-MM-DD'] | [Number] | [Date] | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedHolidays: ['2022-08-10:2022-08-15', '2022-08-20', 1722152977141, new Date()],
This parameter allows you to specify dates that will be considered holidays and will receive an additional data attribute for styling.
To specify a date range, use any delimiter between dates within a single string.
Type: Number
Default: [0, 6]
Options: number[0-6]
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedWeekends: [0, 6],
This parameter allows you to specify the weekend days of the week. Specify an array with numbers from 0 to 6, where each number represents a day of the week identifier. According to JS standards, the days of the week start with 0, and 0 is Sunday.
Type: String
Default: null
Options: 'hh:mm aa' | null
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedTime: '03:44 AM',
This parameter allows you to set the time that will be displayed when the calendar is initialized. The time is set in the format 'hh:mm aa'
, where 'aa'
is the AM/PM marker. If using the 24-hour format, the 'aa'
marker is not required.
Type: String
Default: 'system'
Options: string (custom theme) | 'light' | 'dark' | 'system'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
selectedTheme: 'system',
This parameter defines the theme of the calendar. By default, the theme is determined by the user's system or the site settings.
Type: Number
Default: 0
Options: from 0 to 23
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeMinHour: 0,
This parameter specifies which hour will be the minimum for selection.
Type: Number
Default: 23
Options: from 0 to 23
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeMaxHour: 23,
This parameter specifies which hour will be the maximum for selection.
Type: Number
Default: 0
Options: from 0 to 59
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeMinMinute: 0,
This parameter specifies which minute will be the minimum for selection.
Type: Number
Default: 59
Options: from 0 to 59
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeMaxMinute: 59,
This parameter specifies which minute will be the maximum for selection.
Type: String
Default: 'all'
Options: 'all' | 'range'
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeControls: 'all',
This parameter defines the method of time selection: 'all'
(any method) or 'range'
(only with the controller).
Type: Number
Default: 1
Options: from 1 to 23
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeStepHour: 1,
This parameter sets the step for the hour controller.
Type: Number
Default: 1
Options: from 1 to 59
new Calendar('#calendar', {
timeStepMinute: 1,
This parameter sets the step for the minute controller.
Type: Function
Default: (html) => html
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
new Calendar('#calendar', {
sanitizerHTML: (html) => DOMPurify.sanitize(html),
can sanitize HTML templates to make them safe for CSP.
Note that the example uses the third-party library dompurify
. sanitizerHTML
is not required for the calendar to function.